Fire by Indian Point
Tḱemlúps Chief and Council would like to inform membership that there is a fire by Indian Point (by the church). There is limited access to Kamloopa and Chilcotin roads. Please do not block access to this area as emergency vehicles need to be able to get through....
Newsletter | Where the Rivers Meet Volume 3
Provided by Tk’emlúps Indigenous Policing Services. Servicing the Indigenous communities of Tk’emlúps te Secwepmc, Skeetchestn Indian Band and Whispering Pines Clinton Indian Band. Read Newsletter | Where the Rivers Meet Vol:...
Barrel Racing Event at Kamloops Race Central – Update from Chief and Council
Joint Statement from Kukpi7 Rosanne, FNHA, and IH to the patrons of the Barrel Racing Event “We thank the Easter Barrel Race for agreeing to cancel the event due to the safety concerns raised jointly by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, FNHA, and IH. We asked everyone to...
We Need Your Opinion
Chief and Council would like your opinion. Given the fact that we are still in a State of Emergency and in person Band Meetings are still restricted from having in person Band Meetings, there are two ways that this vote could happen – either by an online vote at an...
Kúkpi7 Featured in Women of the Thompson Valley magazine
Kamloops This Week’s publication Celebrates Women of the Thompson Valley showcases local women, including our own Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir. READ ARTICLE ON PAGE...
COVID-19 update. March 31, 2021
Transcript | March 31, 2021 Chief and Council COVID...
Skelep School registration
Kindergarten Registrations for...
Chief and Council update on safety of COVID vaccination
COVID Vaccination safety March 15...
TteS Vaccine Update
COVID Vaccine roll out for TteS March 14 2021 TTES VACCINE...
COVID-19 Secwepemctsín Message
COVID19 Secwépemctsin Message...