TteS Chief & Council held a strategic planning session that took place over two days led by Four Directions, Dan George. We were grateful to be joined by senior staff and managers; their input and perspectives supported teamwork and collaboration. Strategic Planning also served Council an opportunity for orientation into TteS’s organizational goals. We want a sturdy and promising foundation for the term ahead.
The two-day planning session included key areas with governance, pain points, a Comprehensive Community Plan update, and, of course, shared key organizational goals that will shape our strategic plan.
It was productive and appreciated to have departmental management, executive staff, key administrative staff, and leadership sharing perspectives that shed light on the commonalities we share in our hopes and goals for TteS while breaking down silos. A reminder that we all contribute to the success of community priorities that is for the long-term benefit of community and the people we all serve.
Internally, organizational priorities included: language and culture revitalization, land use, stewardship, title and rights, infrastructure, economic self-sovereignty, education, health, and wellness. We have also identified and highlighted a commonality around communication and ways to improve customer service and communicating effectively with all membership.
We believe in our people and the TteS organization team that will continue working to provide and enhance services and opportunities that benefit our community as we move forward. We look forward to sharing our overarching strategic plan with all of you in the late spring.

Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)
Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.