Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Mar 12 | Nikki Report to Membership

(250) 320-4568

Weyt-kp xwewxeyte

(Hello everyone)

This year is going by extremely fast; we are nearing the end of summer and I’m thankful the fire season was not as brutal as it has been the last few summers. It does not mean our community and members have not gone through some hard times. I want to send my deepest condolences to our community who have lost loved ones this year, you’ll all be in my prayer’s.

A huge congratulations to all our students, and a big shout out to our graduates, high school grads post secondary grads, diploma grads, certificate grads, nursery grads, and program grads. Keep up the hard work.

This quarterly report will cover the months of May – July 2022, its been a busy summer for Chief and council and for my portfolio as our Natural Resources team has been out on the field.

Natural Resources

  • Set back fencing for waste management facility
  • Monthly lamb survival surveys underway
  • Kamloops lake prescribed burn planning
  • New excavator is working perfectly, grapple has been installed and being sent back to the woodshed
  • Paxton wood harvest to commence as soon as TFLP gets Permit approval.
  • Water sampling At Bonaparte gold continuing
  • Fisheries planning for communal harvest this year, working with SFC.
  • Layout for salvage wood
  • Ongoing TMX Ongoing fisheries and wildlife meetings
  • IR#1 noxious weed treatment, slated to cover 800acres of grassland.
  • Stockpiling firewood
  • Haul road cattle guard complete

Cultural Resource Management

Archaeology team has been conducting archaeological assessments concurrent with capital infrastructure projects throughout the City of Kamloops follow the signing of the heritage services agreement by TteS leadership in the spring of 2022. Archaeological sites have been found throughout the downtown core, Brocklehurst, and Valleyview during construction. All information can be shared with the community following analysis and reporting in the fall.

Archaeological monitoring and systematic data recovery associated with the Trans Mountain Expansion Project in Spread 5A continues with the expansion project proceeding south from Kamloops to Stump Lake.

Cultural heritage survey work associated with the SSN’s New Gold Cherry Creek exploration cultural heritage study continues in collaboration with Skeetchestn. TteS is in year 2 of the field survey program. Field teams are collecting baseline data to contribute to aid in the development of management strategies for the Greenstone/Cherry Creek area.

Fieldwork continues within the forestry sector for proposed harvest and reclamation work associated with the Sparks Lake and Tremont wildfires.

Grant funding obtained from First Peoples Cultural Council is being utilized for cultural heritage and archaeological awareness training for TteS youth in collaboration with the Language and Culture Department’s summer youth cultural camps in July and August.

Other industry clients include BC Hydro, MoTI, BC Parks, Tolko, West Fraser, BCTS, School District 73, TRU, BC Housing, as well as internal collaboration with KIBDC, Planning and Engineering, Lands and Leasing and Le Estcwicwéý.