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By-laws are local laws passed by Band Council. They are designed to help control certain activities within the community. In general, Band Councils have the authority under the Indian Act to pass by-laws. It is important to note, however, that such by-laws have no effect outside of the reserve boundaries—they are strictly a local law that is applied within the reserve. We’re here to help. Bylaw Services assists with:
- Building Permits
- Dog / livestock Control
- Trespassing concerns
- Traffic / Parking Issues
- Land Development Process
- Graffiti Management
- Noise / Nuisance Issues
- Business Licensing
- Controlled Substance Property
Contact Bylaws Department:
TteS Bylaws
(250) 828-9708
Bands have the legal authority to make their own laws through sections 81, 83 and 85, specifically, of the Indian Act. Section 81, in particular, affords Bands the powers to create bylaws for overseeing a range of activities on the reserve, including those related to traffic control, residency, health, nuisances, wildlife conservation and zoning. However, there are restrictions on what Band Councils may control through bylaws. Bylaws can be created as long as they do not contravene the Indian Act or the regulations outlined in Section 73 of the Indian Act.
* Please note that all Taxation Bylaws are subject to the First Nations Tax Commission.
Current by-laws in effect are listed below and will help to provide community members with updated information.
Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc BYLAWS
- Amendment To Rules A Governing Band Meeting By-law
- Band Council Procedures By-law
- Band Council Resolution By-law
- Building Bylaw 2019-05
- Business Licence Bylaw
- Controlled Substance Property 2015-02
- Cattle & Other Animal Trespassing By-law
- Development Approval Process By-law
- Development Cost Charge Law
- Dog By-law 2017-07
- Fire Prevention By-law 2017-04
- Graffiti By-law
- Heritage Conservation By-law
- Noise Control By-law
- Recreational Facilities By-law
- Referendum By-law
- Residential Rehabilitation Assistance (RRAP) Program By-law
- Rules Governing Band Meeting By-law
- Sanitary Sewer Bylaw
- Security Alarm System Bylaw
- Traffic Bylaw
- Trespass Bylaw
- Water Bylaw
- Bylaw-Cannabis
- Solid Waste Bylaw