Indigenous Housing Society Yuceminem Ne Tsetsitcws-Kucw Society (Caretakers of Our Houses)
Yucwemínem ne Tsetsítcws-kucw Society (also referred to as “the YneT Society”) is a not-for-profit organization mandated to lead the development and management of non-profit housing for the Tk’emlúpsemc and raise the standard of housing for the community. The organization is mandated to build on strong cultural practices and traditions of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc.
The YneT Society is currently developing their strategic plan to identify their deliverables for housing in the next five years.
The members of the YneT Society will be the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Council, and the Board of Directors shall be appointed by Council.
According to the Society’s Constitution, the purpose of the Society include:
- to increase housing opportunities for members of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc;
- to fund, develop, own and manage housing for members of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc;
- to provide quality and affordable housing options to low- and moderate- income members of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc designed to respond to the variety of housing needs of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc;
- to promote or undertake housing renovation and rehabilitation projects to improve the quality of housing for members of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc;
Board of Directors
Term lengths for the Board of Directors is for 3 years. The Board of Directors will receive overall direction from Council and will be responsible for operation of the YneT Society. The Board will be a policy board and will provide input in areas such as governing structure, finance, human resources, tenant relations, operations and maintenance, housing development, and infrastructure.
If you are interested in becoming a Director, please contact TteS Housing Department.

Marie Baptiste
Marie Baptiste was on the TteS Housing Committee from 1975 to November2018. Upon Election to Chief and Council in November 2018 Marie was provided with the Housing and Education Portfolios. In November 2021 Marie was again elected to Chief and Council and was provided with the Housing, Planning & Engineering and Community Services Portfolios.

James Gudjonson
James Gudjonson is an ESG/Sustainability leader. James is currently the Manager, Sustainability Innovation for British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC). He brings to YneT his experience at BCLC which includes designing and building related infrastructure that focuses on sustainability and energy conservation.

Diane Sugars
Diane Sugars, MBA, throughout her career, has managed several housing projects in the Metro Vancouver region. She has expertise in the development of policy, the creation/management of budgets, the identification of staff training needs, and more. Diane has provided senior leadership for organizations that operate shelters, transitional housing (e.g. Aboriginal Mother Centre), youth safe housing, second stage housing, and long term housing. She also helped develop and promote a unique project called the “empty house” program.

Joan Paul
A member from Tk̓emlúps, Joan has worked with the TteS Finance Department for the past five years. She loves to see the growth on the business aspect and to see membership benefit from this. It is truly great to work for the community and see what can be built for the generations to come. In Friendship.

Diena Jules
Diena Jules, member of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, has the traditional names Sundance Pipe Woman, Yellow Flower Woman, and Black Wolf Woman. She attended Kamloops Indian Residential School for 5 years as a day scholar. She has a B.Ed. and MBA from UBC and taught at Skelep School of Excellence. With various leadership roles, she now manages the Language and Culture Department, sharing her wealth of Traditional Knowledge Keeper with YNET.
Yucweminem ne Tsetsitcws-Kucw Society – September 21, 2021 Election – 1st Directors were Chief & Council members.
- Kúkwpi7 Rosanne Casimir
- Councillor Marie Baptiste
- Councillor Thomas Blank
- Councillor Justin Gottfriedson
- Councillor Sonny Leonard
- Councillor Katy Gottfriedson
- Councillor Jeanette Jules
Past Board of Directors
- Marie Baptiste
- James Gudjonson
- Diane Sugars
- Joan Paul
- Diena Jules
YneT Apartment and Townhomes
Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) is building an affordable housing project comprised of 28 townhomes and one 30-unit apartment building. The townhomes are a series of 3- and 4-bedroom units. The apartment building is 1- and 2-bedroom units.
This project will assist the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc in addressing the housing needs of TteS Members as identified in the TteS Five Year Housing Plan created by Urban Systems (2015).

FAQ –YneT Apartment and Townhomes
Where are they going to be located?
The 30-unit apartment building (consisting of 1- & 2-bedroom units) will be located at the south end of Kamloopa Road (across from Qwemtsin Health Society).
The 28 town homes (consisting of 3- & 4-bedroom units) will be located in the field behind current rental units 785, 775, 765, and 755 Kamloopa Road. A new road will be developed for access.
An 8’ concrete fence will be installed along the CN rail line to reduce noise
Why are they being built there?
Between 1985 and 2000, the Sxetsets/George Campbell Subdivision was the area of focus by Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc for development of housing for community members. An extensive housing report by Urban Systems identified these two lots suitable for multi-family housing and a building proposal was established.
In 2023 TteS Membership voted for the land designation necessary for this project to happen. In addition, this accomplishment would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts from Yucwemínem ne Tsetsítcws-kucw (YneT) Society.
Is it only for TteS members?
When will building process be completed?
Building should be complete by the end of 2027
What will the rent be?
- 30% of units will be Market Rent.
- 50% of units will be RGI Units(Rent Geared to Income);
- 20% of units will be Deep Subsidy Units.
Does this mean Residential Tenancy Act applies on-reserve?
British Columbia Residential Tenancy Act will not apply to tenancy agreements, or on-reserve at all.
TteS Housing Department has ensured that TteS retains jurisdiction on tenancy agreements in an open, fair, consistent, and non-discriminatory way.
When was archaeology studies completed of the area?
Yes, all TteS Housing Department projects comply with TteS Archaeology Guidelines & Procedures.
Is the land stable enough for apartment building and townhomes? There is not too much silt? Should we be building in the flood plain?
The project plans have been and will continue to be overseen by numerous engineering professionals.
- The material being excavated at the Apartment site generally consists of under-compacted loose fill materials, topsoil, and loose overburden unrelated to the dyke fills or dyke structure. The excavated material is to be replaced with compacted engineered fill and site grading fills which will be denser than what was removed.
- The excavation work is being completed outside of the footprint of the existing dyke, so the dyke structure is not being impacted. The dyke’s integrity will not be impacted by the construction work for the Apartment.
- Once construction is completed, all of the temporary excavations will be backfilled and all livable space within the Apartment will be above the 200-year flood level.
What are the eligibility requirements to apply for a unit?
- TteS Member
- In good financial standing with TteS
What protection has been provided for the Rail Road tracks and trains?
- The townhouses will be separated from the track by an 8-foot concrete fencing along the back property line, with chain link fencing on the sides of the project up to Kamloopa Way.
- The concrete fencing will provide noise reduction from passing trains.
- The townhouses’ rear windows have triple panes to reduce sound entering the living spaces.
- The townhouses have a very high energy efficiency rating (Step Code 4) which includes substantial insulation which contributes to noise reduction.
How can we apply?
Currently, it is very early to apply. We are working diligently to make sure the project is successfully completed on time and in budget. Your patience is appreciated while work to build the capacity needed to facilitate the new housing opportunities. Please be sure to watch for announcements on the upcoming opportunities.
What else will this bring to our community?
Along with almost doubling our current rental stock, the building will bring new job opportunities, and green spaces for our families to enjoy. A new park for children and recreation activities will also be built.