Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

June 10 | Full C&C Update on KIRS

Posted on: June 14, 2021

From the Office of the Chief –

On behalf of Council, I want to provide you an update on what Council has been doing to follow up on the recent, heartbreaking findings at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. This was but the beginning of what will be a long and emotionally challenging process. Chief and Council are committed to providing regular updates to our membership.

For Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Council and I, as well as what we have heard in community, ceremonies, protocols, and justice are top of mind for all. This is only the beginning.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the grief that we have all felt. This is traumatic and each and every one of us have been impacted by residential schools. It is time to be gentle with ourselves as this brings up so many emotions and hurts. I know that I am reaching out to my loved ones and encourage you to do the same. Please note that we have included mental health supports at the end of this letter.


Weekly Update on the KIRS findings

Posted on: June 13, 2021

From the Office of the Chief –

On behalf of Council, I just wanted to provide you an update on the follow up that has happened on the findings of the lost children on KIRS.

There was a pipe ceremony held on June 10th.  On behalf of Councillor Jeanette who took the lead on behalf of Council, we are truly grateful to our TteS departments and the SNTC for attending and volunteering.  A lot of work went into the ceremony, from preparing flags and tobacco ties, to getting everything ready for the pipe carriers, ceremonial knowledge keepers, youth dancers, drummers singers and the Residential and Day Scholar Survivors.

From what I witnessed at the ceremony, people were truly engaged and present to what took place.  I lift my hands to all who attended, witnessed and participated in these important moments of ceremony and healing.

There were also several “follow ups” this week.

TteS was the host community for the Adams Lake Band’s journey  for the “Walking the Spirits Home” ceremony.

Meetings that Chief and Council attended this week included:

  • With staff to share information and plan for the next steps
  • With our legal team and
  • First Nations Health Authority

We absolutely appreciate how other organisations, are showing their support as well. This week, Qwelmínte Secwépemc launched the 215+ Days for the Children, which includes a thoughtfully curated collection of resources and tools relevant to the impacts of Residential Schools and Trauma-Informed approaches. Please feel free to share and visit the website ( to access these resources.

As these are still early days, I would encourage you to reach out to loved ones. Check in on each other.

There are mental health supports in place.  Please see our website for more information.


Day Scholar update from Chief and Council

Posted on: June 13, 2021

From the Office of the Chief –

On behalf of Council, we wish to bring to your attention the proposed settlement agreement on behalf of our Day Scholars and Descendants.

This settlement covers compensation for the experience of attending residential day school including the loss of our language and culture and psychological harms.

The signing of the agreement marks an important milestone for Day Scholars. It recognizes the harm suffered because of their experiences while attending Residential School.

The settlement is under judicial review and will be determined this September 2021.

To ensure that the aging survivors receive compensation in their lifetime, the parties have agreed to separate the Band Class claims to focus on the resolution of the Survivor and Descendant classes.  The Day Scholar Executive team remain committed to finding a resolution for the Band class as well.

In reflecting on the work that led to this proposed agreement, it is heartening to think about the efforts of so many who worked to stand our people up and ensure that no one was left behind.

Acknowledgments to all the plaintiffs, descendants, the legal team, the executive committee, our communities, former Councillor Elder Evelyn Camille, Jo-Anne Gottfriedson, Councilor Katy Gottfriedson, former Kukpi7 Shane Gottfriedson, Councillor Jeanette Jules, and all C&C for the past three terms who prioritized our ongoing commitment and support for justice for our members, and the technical who supported the process along the way.

For more information, please see the website or contact Councillor Jeanette Jules of myself.

We hope that this settlement is one small step in bringing resolution to our survivors.

Chief and Council update on TteS successful Affordable Housing Project

Posted on: June 12, 2021

From the Office of the Chief –

On behalf of Council, I am here to share that we are the successful applicants of an Affordable Housing project.

We will be building 28 townhomes and an apartment building that will consist of 30-units. The townhouses will be 3- and 4-bedroom units and the apartments are 1&2 bedrooms. They will be serving the needs of our families, elders, and low-income individuals as well as those with disabilities who are members of TteS.

This project will assist us in addressing the housing needs of our members as identified in the TteS Housing Needs and Demand Study (2020).

This project will be funded through BC Housing, and we are appreciative of their support.

Please note this new housing is in addition to the Rapid Housing Elders project at Tyee park.

Kukwstsétsemc to the TteS Housing Manager and her department along with Council for moving forward our housing opportunities for our membership. It has been more than 20 years of no new housing in the community.
We are very excited about these two new housing projects. We will be keeping our members informed and look forward to construction in the late fall of 2021.

June 4 Update from Kúkpi7 on KIRS

Posted on: June 5, 2021

On behalf of Council, I just wanted to provide you an update on what Council has been doing to follow up on the recent, heartbreaking findings at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. This was but the first week of what will be a long and emotionally challenging process. Chief and Council are committed to providing regular updates to our membership.

For Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Council and I, as well as what we have heard in community, ceremonies, protocols, and justice are top of mind for all. This is only the beginning.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the grief that we have all felt. This is traumatic and each and every one of us have been impacted by residential schools. It is time to be gentle with ourselves as this brings up so many emotions and hurts. I know that I am reaching out to my loved ones and encourage you to do the same.



How to Support Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc

Posted on: June 3, 2021

There has been an outpouring of support for our community. Thank you for helping us bring to light such hard truths that came from the preliminary findings regarding the unmarked burial sites of Kamloops Indian Residential School students so that we may begin the process of honouring the lost loved ones who are in our caretaking. Many have asked how they can support Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc. The document below offers some suggestions

How to Support Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (PDF)

May 31, 2021 | Statement from the Office of the Chief, Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir

Posted on: May 31, 2021

5 pm, May 31, 2021, Kamloops – As the last logs go on our sacred fire, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the outpouring of support to our community. Thank you for helping us bring to light such hard truths that came from the preliminary findings regarding the unmarked burial sites of Kamloops Indian Residential School students so that we may begin the process of honouring the lost loved ones who are in our caretaking. We love, honour, and respect these children, their families, and communities.


Remains of Children of Kamloops Residential School Discovered

Posted on: May 27, 2021

May 27, 2021, Kamloops – It is with a heavy heart that Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir confirms an unthinkable loss that was spoken about but never documented by the Kamloops Indian Residential School. This past weekend, with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist, the stark truth of the preliminary findings came to light – the confirmation of the remains of 215 children who were students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.


Census is Canada’s Storyteller

Posted on: May 26, 2021

Starting now and throughout the summer you will see Statistics Canada staff on Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc Lands. The Census is Canada’s storyteller. Every five years, data is collected about every household to understand how Canada is changing over time. The data collected is used for planning and policy development in many areas.

Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc Lands is its own Census Subdivision. That is great news for Ttes! That means we can use the census data to better understand the dynamics of those that live on Ttes Lands. Ttes can use census data to support our own decision-making on government services, and in negotiations with other governments.
When you do the census, you ensure that your situation is accounted for.

If you did not complete the Online questionnaire you received one of the following Indigenous Enumerators will be going door-to-door to help each household complete the Census Survey.
Enumerators will be wearing red vests and name tags, and are required to follow COVID-19 Safety Proto-cols:

  • Two masks
  • Social distancing
  • Frequent hand sanitizing
  • Not allowed to enter your home

Crew Leader Rae-Anne can be contacted at 250-574-6069 if you have questions.

SAVE MONEY – BC Hydro’s GST exemption for on-reserve residential accounts

Posted on: May 19, 2021

Approximately 67% of residential accounts on Tk̓emlúps reserve land have NOT registered for the BC Hydro GST exemption. Register today and SAVE MONEY!

Tax Exemption

  • First Nations residential account holders living on-reserve and with a Certificate of Indian Status card are eligible for a GST exemption on their BC Hydro bills.
  • The primary account holder must be the person named on the status card, and a scanned or photographed copy of both sides of the account holder’s status card is required to verify GST exemption.
  • First Nations Bands, Tribal Councils or Band Empowered Entities may also be eligible for GST exemption. To ensure the correct taxes are being charged, please call Customer Service at the number below.
  • BC Hydro is required to collect GST if the First Nation has implemented First Nations GST on their reserve lands.

Refunds for GST payments

  • BC Hydro will credit up to two (2) years of GST charged to exempt customers.
  • If you have been charged GST longer than two years, you will need to contact the Canada Revenue Agency for any remaining GST refund (i.e., beyond 2 years) and submit Form GST189.

To apply for GST exemption or to find out more information: