Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Freshet Response Update

Posted on: June 22, 2022

As a precautionary measure to support freshet preparedness Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc has activated its Emergency Operations Centre to level 1.

This allows TteS to actively monitor dike levels and to begin select protection operations including the stockpiling of sandbags if the need arises.

North and South Thompson Rivers
Due to extended cooler weather in April and May, snow pack melt has been delayed by two to four weeks throughout the province. June 1st 2022 snow pack throughout BC is above normal.

North Thompson Snow Basin: 175% of Normal
South Thompson Snow Basin: 157% of Normal

Continued significant risk for high freshet flows and rise of the North and South Thompson Rivers over the short-term is from potential heavy rain to fall on a melting snow pack.

TteS Dykes are constructed to one-in-200-year flood design standards.

TteS will be increasing the frequency of infrastructure inspections of IR#1 dikes and sealing of catch basins.

Residents are reminded to stay away from creeks and rivers during freshet as high waters are extremely dangerous.

To report flood-related concerns, call TteS Public Works at 250-318-6400

ARGO Road Maintenance (Kamloops Service Area)
Provincial highways located on reserve include East Shuswap Road.
Please report all concerns to Argo Road maintenance’s 24-hour call-in number:
1 800 661-2025

Sand bags
Sand and sandbags are available at TteS Public Works yard to residents looking to protect their properties and take precautions against rising waters:
762 East Athabasca Street

Community Sandbag Volunteers
Those interested can register their interest in assisting with the preparation of sandbags.
To volunteer contact:

Shane Wardrobe
TteS Emergency Operations Coordinator
June and July (24-7, on-call as needed)

TteS will continue to provide updates on water levels and flood preparation activities as necessary.

For additional information regarding City of Kamloops flood protection efforts, go online to:

LLTD Office Closure for 2022 Property Tax Run

Posted on: June 17, 2022

Please be advised, that the Lands, Leasing & Tax Department (“LLTD”) is scheduled to do the 2022 Property Tax Run, therefore, they will be unavailable for regular day-to-day operations on the following dates:

  • June 22 – 24, 2022
  • June 27 – 30, 2022

During these dates either leave a message with the LLTD Receptionist at 250-828-9784 or email the staff and they will reply when they resume regular day-to-day operations on July 4, 2022, at 8:00 AM

Lands, Leasing & Tax Department


Kamloops and the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Receive BC Reconciliation Award

Posted on: June 14, 2022

Kamloops, BC — Today, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, in partnership with the BC Achievement Foundation, announced in a news release that the City of Kamloops and the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc have been honored with a British Columbia Reconciliation Award recognizing individuals, groups, and organizations that demonstrate exceptional leadership, integrity, respect, and commitment to furthering the Calls to Action outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s report. Recipients of this provincial award are selected by a committee that includes representation by Indigenous Elders and BC First Nations leadership.

The BC Reconciliation Award comes less than a month after Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian and Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir formally accepted a national Collaboration Award of Excellence from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators, which also recognizes the achievements of our communities in building relationships towards reconciliation.

“The relationship we have built with the City of Kamloops is fostering meaningful connections and dialogue leading to initiatives that have had a great benefit to both organizations,” said Kúkpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir. “We are honoured to be recognized for charting this path together and hope to be an inspiration to other communities with similar potential for collaboration.”

For more than a decade, the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc and the City of Kamloops have been building on collaborative initiatives in areas of protocol, communication, and celebrations through shared service agreements, including fire protection, transit, and sanitary sewer management. This partnership has grown through a transparent process committed to acknowledging and celebrating Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc culture, values, and history.

Those years of meaningful relationship building were invaluable when one year ago this spring, our communities bore witness to the tragic confirmation of the unmarked graves of 215 children who were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, now known as Le Estcwicwéỳ (The Missing). With the eyes of the nation watching, the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc showed vision and strength in sharing their collective grief and in encouraging Canadians to better understand the harmful history and legacy of the residential school system and the inter-generational impacts it has had on Indigenous people.

“This year has been an important reminder that our relationship is one of ongoing reconciliation,” said Mayor Ken Christian. “Because of the enhanced level of trust between our two governments, we’ve been able to face the past together and acknowledge that we may still make mistakes, but we are also looking to the future and can see opportunity and hope in a collaborative path forward. We are honoured by the recognition we have received in this work and are encouraged to continue growing together.”

A formal ceremony to present the BC Reconciliation Award is being planned for the fall.


Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc fully supports the appointment of the Special Interlocutor

Posted on: June 8, 2022

PRESS RELEASE – Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc, June 7, 2022

On behalf of the Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc, we are very pleased to learn of the appointment and mandate of Kimberly Murray to the position of Special Interlocutor for Canada, in relation to unmarked burials. Since we learned of the likely presence of children, L’Estcwicwéý (the Missing) on the Kamloops Indian Residential School grounds, just over a year ago, Tḱemlúps has taken responsibility for them. We are exercising our inherent jurisdiction over the investigation at Tḱemlúps, to determine how many children are there, who they were, who their people are, how they came to be buried there, how they should be cared for, and what justice needs to be sought on behalf of them and their families. We have heard from Minister Lametti, on behalf of Canada, that Canada respects our jurisdiction and is there to provide whatever support it can to ensure that we can meet our obligations to L’Estcwicwéý and their people. The mandate of the Special Interlocutor confirms this.

So many Indigenous communities across Canada are launching similar investigations. It will be painstaking, vitally important work, work that will take time and resources. Canada has an essential role to play in ensuring those resources are available, and that all our communities can find their lost children, and comfort them and their families. The Special Interlocutor will, we hope, work with all our communities to make this happen.

Ms. Murray comes to this role with a wealth of experience and a demonstrated commitment to serving residential school survivors and their families. We look forward to working with Canada, the Special Interlocutor, and our brothers and sisters across the country, as we work for the children, and their relations, to achieve some measure of comfort and justice for them.


Media Contact:
Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir (Chief)
Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc
Phone: 250-819-2255


Media Release | Secwépemc cultural protocol

Posted on: May 27, 2022

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc
May 26, 2022

On Monday May 23, 2022, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc held a memorial commemorating the anniversary of the confirmation of the finding of Le Estcwicwéy̓ (The Missing) near the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

“For those that may not be aware, it is Secwépemc cultural protocol to observe a one-year mourning period after the loss of family. This is how we see Le Estcwicwéý, as our family; a family that we have a responsibility to care for,” Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir stated.

“It is for that reason, that I was extremely disappointed that attendees of the Memorial were shouting rude remarks and insulting the organizers and guests that had been invited to our community to join us in honouring, upholding, and respecting Le Estcwicwéy̓. Our cultural protocols are sacred and have been in place for thousands of years. These values are based in natural law and cannot be unwritten nor changed by any person or group of people. They dictate that we always hold guests in high regard. In natural law, this is “xyemstwécw”, honouring one another. It is always our intention to create a welcoming and safe environment.”

“The behaviour of a few, disrespected the honour of the day and the Elders, survivors and children that were present. We do not condone the disruptive behaviour. We understand that the day was triggering for some, which is why cultural and mental health supports were available. We also want to thank all of those that followed our cultural protocols and showed their respect”

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir stated that for future events, all participants will be required to respect our protocols, or they will be asked to leave.

“I would like to say Kukwstép-kucw (on behalf of all of us, we thank you all) for all the people that attended the Memorial of Le Estcwicwéy̓. Your support was greatly appreciated.”

“We also want to acknowledge all those that are working with us to take steps towards healing and reconciliation.”




Ammonia Leak in Mount Paul Industrial Site

Posted on: May 26, 2022

~ from the Office of the Chief

On behalf of Council, I wanted to reach out to membership regarding the emergency vehicles within the Mt Paul Industrial Park. Currently there is an ammonia leak at one of the businesses in the area of East Sarcee Street and Mount Paul Industrial Park. Kamloops Fire Rescue is on the scene with a Hazardous Materials Team.

The scene is now stable and the evacuated businesses and other citizens can go about their businesses. One individual was transported to RIH and sadly we can confirm there was one fatality as a result of this incident.

We ask that everyone avoid the area to allow Kamloops Fire Rescue to do their job. The RCMP, Work Safe BC, and the BC Coroners office are all engaged in the investigation. The investigation is ongoing as to how the ammonia was released.


Latest Round Of Ground Penetrating Radar

Posted on: May 19, 2022

Trigger Warning: Unmarked Graves

From: TteS Le Estcwicwéy̓
Date: May 19, 2022


The latest round of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc is set to begin later this week.

Under the direction of Doctor Sarah Beaulieu of the University of the Fraser Valley, the GPR operation will be focused on the Chief Louis Centre lands within the CLC Roadway remediation.

Doctor Beaulieu will be supported by Le Estcwicwéy̓ (The Missing) team along with the Tk̓emlúps Natural Resources Department.

The most recent survey work will take over a month to complete.

The latest GPR work comes almost a year after the announcement of the Le Estcwicwéy̓ that were located in unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. A Memorial marking that anniversary will take place at the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Arbour on Monday, May 23, 2022.

There are mental health supports available by calling 1-800-721-0066 or visit:

For more information, please contact:

Dog Impoundment Information

Posted on: April 19, 2022
  • No owner or possessor of a dog will allow the dog to run at large.
  • Animal Control Officer may seize and impound any dog running at large.
  • After 96 hours, the dog may be disposed of by means of destruction, adoption, or sale, at the discretion of the Animal Control Officer.
  • Where a dog has been impounded under authority of this bylaw and the Animal Control Officer determines that one or more fines or fees provided for in this bylaw have not been paid, then the dog shall not be released from the pound until the owner or authorized person pays the fines and fees in full up to and including the date of impoundment.
  • Fees:
    • 1st impoundment $75
    • 2nd impoundment $100
    • 3rd + impoundment $200
    • Board & maintenance fee
      • Dog $12 per day
      • Aggressive dog $20 per day

If you are missing your dog phone bylaw to see if it has been impounded. Call 250-314-1570 or 250-819-8287. Pleae leave a message if no answer.

2022 Freshet Preparation

Posted on: April 18, 2022

North and South Thompson Rivers

Three factors create conditions for flooding: snowpack levels in Thompson River catchments, weather (warm temperatures & rain on snow events), and/or the time at which the North and South Thompson river levels peak.

April 1st 2022 snow pack throughout BC is near normal.
North Thompson Snow Basin: 119% of Normal
South Thompson Snow Basin: 101% of Normal

TteS Dykes are constructed to one-in-200-year flood design standards. TteS inspects its dykes throughout the freshet.

Paul Creek

Residents and businesses located in low-lying areas or along creeks are reminded to prepare early and protect their properties.

Community members who live and work alongside waterways, culverts, and riverbanks are asked to stay as far back from the banks as possible and use extreme caution. Banks may be unstable as high-flowing waters can cause erosion under the visible surface.


To report flood-related concerns, contact:
Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Public Works
(250) 318-6400

ARGO Road Maintenance – (Kamloops Service Area)
East Shuswap Road, Paul Lake Road, and Chief Louis Way are Provincial highways located on reserve.
Please report all concerns to Argo Road maintenance’s 24-hour call-in number:

Sand Bags
If flooding seems like a real possibility, employ sandbags around the foundation of your house. Sand and sandbags are available for loading at:
TteS Public Works
762 East Athabasca Street
(Mt. Paul Industrial Park)

TteS will provide updates on flood protection efforts should conditions change.
For additional information regarding City of Kamloops flood protection efforts, go online to:

April 12, 2022 Update To The TteS Community on Delegation With The Pope

Posted on: April 16, 2022

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir was chosen to represent British Columbia, as one of thirteen delegates, that recently went to Rome to meet with Pope Francis. On April 12, 2022, Kúkpi7 provided an update to membership about what was presented during the 2-hour time slot with his Holy See.

There were 4 major themes to the presentation:

  • Residential Schools and Unmarked Graves
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • Papal Apology and Visit to Canada
  • Healing and Reconciliation

For Residential Schools and Unmarked Graves, the delegates explained the impacts of residential school and the mark that it left on a survivors and intergenerational survivors. We lost our language and culture, our ties to families and thought that the abuse and neglect was normal. As adults we have unresolved trauma, and many suffer from issues with family life, intimacy, low self-esteem and lack of self-regulation resulting in high rates of poverty, homelessness, and interactions with police. The Pope was provided with 2 pairs of moccasins that had been taken to ceremony that that the Father could see them and reflect on the children that did not make it home. When he comes to Canada, he is to return the moccasins. The finding of the unmarked graves at TteS and then other places across the country was discussed. The delegates requested that the church to cover the costs of the locating these unmarked graves, recovering the lost children, and dealing with intergenerational healing. The Pope was called on to apologize directly to survivors.

The messaging on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission included explaining the Calls to Action, the 10 principles to advance reconciliation and the Calls to Justice for the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). It is expected that UNDRIP will be used as a framework for reconciliation. Our treaty, constitutional and human rights must be respected. It was explained that reconciliation is a process, not a destination. There is the need to look to other forms of reconciliation. We are hopeful for the future. We want to be heard, respected, and ensure that no one is left behind.

The request for the Pope to visit Canada and apologize to our survivors was the next main theme. Residential schools are a very dark chapter in our history. We want to bring honour and dignity to our children, that were literally cast aside at residential schools. A formal, meaningful apology to the survivors and families is a first step. Other acts of contrition include real accountability from the church, full disclosure of documents, funding to revitalize of our languages and cultures and a mandate for all the local diocese to working with First Nations to determine what we need to heal. We need this work to start immediately as we are losing our survivors. This is about truth telling.

The fourth theme was Healing, and this was led by the youth delegates. The request included investment into long term healing for survivors and intergenerational survivors. The government of Canada and the Catholic Church spent billions of dollars destroying our language and culture so can commit that to rebuilding. The Doctrine of Discovery needs to be repudiated as a racist document and the system of colonization needs to be addressed. We are still being imprisoned for protecting our lands. We are calling on the Pope the acknowledge the harm done.

Kúkpi7 also provided an overview of the AFN media release that spoke to similar themes.