Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Elder/Traditional Knowledge Keeper Request

Elder/Traditional Knowledge Keeper Requests

If you would like to have a Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper attend your event, check out the form and protocols below:

Elder – is defined as a band member who is 60 years old or more. Sometimes the Elder will be knowledgeable of the Tkelupsemc cuture, customs and traditions. 

Traditional Knowledge Keeper – hold our language, traditions, customs, laws and spirituality that have been handed down since time immemorial. They are dedicated to preserving and sharing this knowledge for their families, communities and nations. 

Ceremonial Traditional Knowledge Keeper – Perform ceremonies through the appropriate protocols and help others with their fasting, naming ceremonies, hosting sweat-lodges and pipe ceremonies.