Little Fawn Nursery
Ts’e7í7elt re Yecwemníletens / Little Fawn Nursery
Since 2010, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Education Department started the Secwépemc Language Immersion Program at Little Fawn Nursery – this means the children and staff spend the morning learning and using the Secwépemc Language. The nursery staff is guided by fluent speakers, language teachers and cultural experts to plan, organize, and teach the Secwépemc language.
The Little Fawn Nursery will be a full day immersion program in the near future. We want our children to have the chance to hear and learn the language – to raise fluent speakers.
All nursery staff members use a variety of teaching strategies for children ages 3 to 5 years old. Through experiential activities, the children are given an opportunity to hear and learn the language as much as possible. The immersion program is based on child-centred curriculum with a wide variety of themes and topics. Some areas of the immersion program include:
- Daily Routines (greetings, eating, cleaning up, bathroom, going outside, etc.)
- Morning Circle (calendar, weather, counting, monthly land/water themes)
- Language Lessons/Total Physical Response
- Daily Story Time (traditional and modern)
- Outdoor Play; Nature Walks; Structured Play/Activities
- Action Songs and Games
- Secwépemc Song & Dance
Why Does Immersion Work? Language immersion works well for two reasons. First, it creates a meaningful environment where language is used purposefully. It is much more useful to be able to say in the language, “I am thirsty; can I have some water?” rather than, “one, two, three” or “red, blue, green”. No English is used at all!
Our Philosophy
- To provide a quality preschool program based on individual progress and development
- To respect each child as a unique individual with equal rights and responsibilities
- To provide a safe, secure, and loving learning environment
- To education based on the belief that parents are above all primary in all child life and learning
We Provide
- Activities and materials designed to enhance and encourage intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual learning, thinking, playing, and language
- Secwépemc social, cultural, language, traditional dances, and songs
- Cooperative learning
- Consistent routines and regulations based on equality and respect for self and others
- Health and nutrition program – dental, hygiene, and nutrition
We Encourage
- Pride in heritage
- Pride in self and others
- Parental participation
- Open communication
Little Fawn Nursery Contact
For more information about Little Fawn Nursery, please contact:
Debra McNeil
LFN Administrator
Phone: 250-828-9734
Downloadable Forms & Applications
- LFN Brochure
- Little Fawn Nursery Application Form
- Staggered Enrollment and Gradual Entry Form
- LFN Waitlist Form
- Registration Checklist
- Emergency Consent Form
- Immunization Confirmation for Enrollment
- Little Fawn Nursery Administrative Policies Manual
- LFN Infant-Toddler Room Supply List
- LFN Parent Handbook – Infant Toddler Room
- LFN 3-5 Room Supply List
- LFN Parent Handbook – 3-5 Room
- LFN Pre-school Room Supply List
- LFN Parent Handbook – Preschool Room