Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Commercial Complex Project Update – Chief Louis Crossing

Posted on: December 8, 2023

Our Commercial Complex Project Update – Highway #5 and East Shuswap Road

Located at a bustling intersection and with convenient access and extensive highway frontage, our Commercial Complex is quickly becoming a very sought-after location. With our new grocery store, Sweláps Market, now open and within Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc lands, it offers unique benefits to Indigenous entrepreneurs and shoppers alike.

The Project Team is pleased to share an update as several decisions have been advanced, and timelines confirmed for our 100% TteS owned and operated commercial development property.

Anticipated Opening and Turnover Dates

Tenant inquiries are being actively managed. While tenants may apply at any time, tenant applications will formally open in January 2024 for Building B and April 2024 for Building C. An application form will be released in late December or early January.

  • Sweláps Market Grocery Store: Now Open!
  • Petro Canada Gas Station and Convenience Store: Fall 2024
  • Quick-Serve Restaurant w/ Drive-Thru: Fall 2024
  • Building B: Occupancy Winter 2024
    • One Level w/ Three to Four Tenant Spaces (+/- 2,000 sq. ft.)
  • Building C: Occupancy Winter 2025
    • Level One: One Tenant (~5,000 sq. ft) and Five or Six Tenants (+/- 2,000 sq. ft.)
    • Level Two: Units TBD – Flexible Space

Name and Logo

We are proud to share that the Complex name is Chief Louis Crossing. The team considered many, many options and continually came back to this name. It represents the physical crossing of the Yellowhead Highway and Shuswap Road and where the Chief Louis Center East and West Collide. This name also continues to honour the legacy of Chief Louis who was recognized as one of the best chiefs in the Interior and a dominant figure in the Kamloops region when he was chief from 1855 to 1915.


Next Steps

We will be launching a website for Chief Louis Crossing and continuing to engage tenant leads over the coming months. In the meantime, your contact point will continue to be our Project Management team:

Krista Stoesz
Business and Economic Development Department
Economic Development Officer

Amy Boeckner
VisionQuest Advisors
Managing Director

TteS Mourns Passing of TRU student Owyn McInnis

Posted on: December 1, 2023

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc join the rest of the community of Kamloops in mourning the passing of the TRU student, Owyn McInnis.

“The tragic loss of a student is such a heartbreaking situation for the TRU community, as well as the larger community.  We offer our sincere condolences to the family, friends, teammates, coaches, professors and all the students of TRU” stated Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir.

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir said “We would also like to send our prayers out to all those involved in the accident that occurred on November 29th, especially those that remain in the hospital”.

TteS Membership Code Swearing-In Ceremony

Posted on: November 30, 2023

On behalf of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) Chief and Council, we are very excited and honoured to announce that the TteS Community Services department hosted a Special Event, the TteS Membership Code Swearing-In Ceremony. It was a momentous and intimate occasion that brought together those being sworn in for the Membership Committee and the Arbitration Board on November 29, 2023.

Officially, as of November 3, 2020, TteS became a Section 10 Band and adopted its own Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Membership Code. As a Section 10 Band, we have control of our membership list and have set our own eligibility requirements according to the TteS Membership Code. Upon registration, if an individual is affiliated with a Section 10 band, they must apply directly to the band for membership.

We have now completed the final formal step for all members of the Membership Committee and Arbitration Board who will be reviewing all applications for membership to Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc. Those awaiting these important next steps will be contacted when the processing of applications begins.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who came to witness this historical day and express appreciation to the amazing staff of TteS who made this event possible.

For more information, please contact:


WinterWorks Program

Posted on: November 29, 2023

Tk̓emlúps is hosting the 2023 Annual WinterWorks Program for band members. The program, taking place from December 4th to 15th, is designed for low-income, unemployed members. Applications can be completed at the Community Services Office starting today. Please note that post-secondary students and TteS employees are not eligible, and a limited number of early applications will be accepted.




National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Posted on: September 29, 2023

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is being recognized as a statutory holiday in B.C. for the first time this year. Also known as Orange Shirt Day, the day of recognition is based on a grassroots campaign founded by Phyllis Webstad, whose orange shirt was taken from her on her first day at St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School near Williams Lake. September 30 is a day to honour residential school survivors, acknowledge the damage caused by the residential school system, open up the dialogue about reconciliation and to celebrate Indigenous culture.

After careful consideration and consultation with our community members, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc has made the decision not to host a public event this September 30. This decision was made to create a safe and intimate space for our band members directly impacted by the legacy of Residential schools. Our primary goal is to honor their experiences, provide support, and foster healing within our community.

While we understand the significance of sharing this day with the broader public, we believe that this more focused approach will allow us to better address the unique needs and sensitivities of Residential School Survivors and Day Scholars. We remain committed to the ongoing process of truth and reconciliation and will continue to engage in meaningful dialogue and education with the public throughout the year.

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc appreciates the understanding and support of the public as we make this important shift in our approach to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We believe that by prioritizing the needs of Survivors and Day Scholars, we can contribute to a more meaningful and healing experience for our community.

We thank you for the continued support and we wish everyone the best in their personal journey towards reconciliation.

MEDIA RELEASE: Secwepemctsín Language Conference 2023: Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Language Heritage

Posted on: August 31, 2023

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, BC — August 27, 2023 — The Secwépemctsín Language Conference 2023 is set to convene from November 3rd to 5th at the Coast Hotel and Conference Centre in Kamloops, British Columbia. This pivotal event, dedicated to revitalizing and nurturing the Secwépemctsín language, is now open for sponsorship and vendor participation.

The conference represents a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to safeguard and celebrate the Secwépemctsín language. As the cornerstone of the Secwépemc Nation’s cultural identity, the language stands as a testament to the rich heritage and history of its people. The three-day conference will serve as a platform to exchange insights, innovations, and methodologies for both learning and teaching the Secwépemctsín language.

The organizing committee extends a warm invitation to potential partners and sponsors to join hands in supporting this commendable initiative. Financial contributions from partners and sponsors will play an instrumental role in ensuring the success of the conference. All proceeds generated from the event will be channeled towards funding various activities aimed at the revitalization and advancement of the Secwépemctsín language.

Vendors are enthusiastically encouraged to partake in the conference by exhibiting and vending their unique products. This offers an exceptional opportunity to engage with a diverse audience of language enthusiasts, educators, community leaders, and cultural advocates, all united by a shared commitment to preserving and promoting Indigenous languages.

For detailed information regarding sponsorship packages and conference particulars, interested parties are encouraged to contact Gabe Archie via email at Gabe Archie, a dedicated representative of the conference organizing team, is readily available to address inquiries and provide comprehensive details.

Stay tuned for forthcoming announcements with more comprehensive information about the conference, vendor engagement opportunities, and a deeper look into the transformative impact the Secwépemctsín Language Conference 2023 aims to achieve.

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Media Contact:

Rosanne Casimir, Kúkpi7




Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Invites Proposals for Collaborative Development of Comprehensive Community Plan

Posted on: August 29, 2023

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc is soliciting proposals from interested individuals or consulting firms experienced in community planning to develop a community-driven Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). Priority will be given to qualified TteS members, however, submissions from independent consulting firms or joint proposals from a TteS member and a consultant are welcomed and encouraged.


Wildfire Donations

Posted on: August 22, 2023

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Chief and Council extend their sincere gratitude to all those willing to contribute and volunteer in support of those displaced by the wildfires. At this time, Tḱemlúps is not accepting financial or physical donations directly. Instead, we encourage you to donate to reputable charities actively assisting in British Columbia’s wildfire response. Your generosity will enable access to essential provisions such as food and emergency shelter for those who are affected. For a comprehensive list of trustworthy charities, please visit:

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, City of Kamloops, and Partners Unite to Support Displaced Communities Amid Wildfires

Posted on: August 21, 2023

Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) Chief and Council are working with the City of Kamloops and the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) on the current emergency situations. Secwépemc Health Caucus is also coordinating how to support communities within Secwépemcúl’ecw.

TteS Chief and Council express much gratitude for all those who want to donate and volunteer to support those displaced from wildfires. Currently, Tḱemlúps is not taking financial or physical donations.

TteS encourages all those who have been evacuated to follow the orders from their First Nation, city, regional district and the Province of BC.

For all those who have been evacuated, please:

  • Locate all family members and register at McArthur Island Park Reception Centre
  • The TteS arbour is open for RVs and trailers. Evacuees are more than welcome to set up their trailers at the arbour and then proceed to register at MacArthur Island for updates and important information on resources available

TteS supports the Provincial State of Emergency order restricting non-essential use of temporary accommodations (hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, hostels, RV parks, and campgrounds). These restrictions will support access to accommodations for evacuees and personnel providing critical services and keep the roadways clear for emergency responders.

TteS Emergency Planning Coordinator is Shane Wardrobe who can be contacted at 236-597-9844.

Our prayers continue for all those who are impacted by these wildfires.

Knucwentwécw (helping one another collectively),

Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc
Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir

On behalf of Council


Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Implementing Enhanced Water Use Restrictions

Posted on: August 16, 2023

August 16, 2023 – The Province of BC announced Level 5 drought conditions on August 3rd, based on historically low river levels in the North and South Thompson River Basins. Drought Level 5 is the most severe level of drought and indicates that adverse impacts to socio-economic or ecosystem values are almost certain.

As a way to help conserve water supply and protect the environment Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc will be implementing enhanced water use restrictions aimed at reducing community-wide water use by 25%, effective August 16, 2023.

Water Restrictions in effect include:

  1. A ban on outdoor watering and irrigating, with the exception of hand-held, spring-loaded nozzles.
  2. Irrigating by use of sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems is not permitted.
  3. Washing of vehicles and boats will only be permitted at commercial wash locations unless washing for safety purposes.
  4. Pressure washing for aesthetic purposes will not be permitted.

Do it for the Fish
The Secwépemc Fisheries Commission is urging water conservation measures to mitigate for mortality caused by extreme drought conditions that threaten salmon and other fish populations due to the reduced streamflow and increased temperature within rivers and streams.

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc
TteS Drought Response Team

TteS Bylaws and water restriction are implemented by Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, not the provincial government.

All British Columbians are responsible for the sustainability of water and aquatic ecosystems. All water users in drought-affected areas are asked to cooperate and contribute to the goal of conservation.