Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

BC Cabinet and First Nations Leadership Gathering

Posted on: November 12, 2019

Chief and Council attended the BC Cabinet and First Nations Leadership Gathering on November 5 and 6th. This is an annual event that allows First Nations leadership the chance to engage at a Government to Government level with the Provincial Cabinet.

On Monday November 4th, political and technical representatives of the Qs G2G team reported out on the work to date to the Minister Scott Fraser from the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIIR) and Ministry Doug Donaldson from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD). Thanks to the QS G2G team for all their hard work and the great progress that has already been made.

On Monday, the Leadership also participated in a QS G2G and SSN “prep” session for the upcoming meetings with the Ministers.

On November 5 there were six meetings for Ttes including meeting with Ministers and high-level bureaucrats from the Ministry of Labour, Agriculture, Mental Health and Addictions, Finance, the Attorney General (AG) and Transportation and Infrastructure. At each meeting, the Leadership spoke to the key issues and submitted a briefing note to each Ministry. There were also three meetings for the SSN (MIIR, FLNRORD and Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Forests(MEMPR). Thanks to the SSN team as well for their organization and great work in preparing for these meetings.

On Day 2, there were 14 scheduled meetings between meetings on behalf of Ttes, SSN and QS G2G. The Chief and Council met with the following Ministries: Finance, Education, Environment, AG, MIRR, MEMPR, FLNRORD, Advanced Education, Skills and Training, Health, Children and Family Development, Municipal Affairs and Housing and Public Safety and Solicitor General/Emergency Management BC.

It was a busy few days!

Leadership would also like to thank all the Ttes staff for their support in getting prepared for these meetings. Kukwstsétsemc everyone!
Chief and Council will be following up with each Ministry to ensure our discussions with the Provincial government are kept on track.

Removal of all sex-based inequities in the Indian Act

Posted on: September 5, 2019

News release

Government of Canada Implements Remaining Provisions of Bill S-3, Ending Sex-Based Inequities

August 15, 2019 — Gatineau, Quebec — Crown-Indigenous Relations Canada and Indigenous Services Canada

The Government of Canada is committed to gender equality and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, and is eliminating all remaining sex-based inequities from Indian Act registration provisions going back to its inception 150 years ago.

Today, the Government of Canada has brought into force the final provisions under Bill S-3, which removes the 1951 cut-off from the Indian Act registration provisions. Bringing these remaining provisions of Bill S-3 into force responds to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ calls to Justice and is in line with the United Nations Human Rights Committee decision on the claim brought forward by Sharon McIvor and Jacob Grismer.

It also reflects the recommendations from the Minister’s Special Representative, Claudette Dumont-Smith, who led consultations on the removal of the 1951 cut-off as part of a broader process about Indian Act registration reform and band membership and citizenship. The Government is also committed to implementing the implementation plan set out by Ms. Dumont-Smith in her recommendations.

This means that as of August 15, 2019, all descendants born prior to April 17, 1985 to women who lost status or were removed from band lists because of their marriage to a non-Indian man dating back to 1869, will be entitled to registration, bringing them in line with the descendants of men who never lost status.

Once registered, First Nations individuals will be eligible for federal benefits and services such as Treaty payments, post-secondary education funding, and Non-Insured Health Benefits.

Information on eligibility, the registration process and required documents, as well as general information on Bill S-3 and the removal of the 1951 cut-off, can be found at: Indian status and Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nation Citizenship: Consultation Plan.

Claims Process, 60’s Scoop

Posted on: July 19, 2019
Be mindful of the deadline Aug 30, 2019

Coyote Catch and Release

Posted on: July 11, 2019
Coyote Release


The Natural Resource department has been working hard to reduce the coyote population throughout the community, and so the 4th coyote in the last week was taken and relocated out of the subdivision. Please take caution when you see these animals and give them lots of room. The Natural Resource department will trapping this area throughout the summer. Please do not approach any box traps when you are in this area.
This area will always have wildlife within it as it is a very large piece of riparian habitat.

