Incident January 29 2021

COVID update from Chief and Council
Canada Revenue Agency is offering webinars
Canada Revenue Agency is offering the following webinars in February, March and April:
Benefits and Credits Presentation on February 2, 2021, March 23, 2021 and April 29, 2021 from 1:30 – 3:00pm PST
Don’t miss out on the benefits and credits to which you may be entitled. Some of the benefits and credits to which you may be eligible for are the Canada child benefit, Disability tax credit, Child disability benefit, Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Credit, and the Canada Workers Benefit. If you do your taxes after the filing deadline, your payments could be delayed.
You can register for any of the above webinars by going to the below link and clicking on the link associated with the date of your choice.