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Although this department is commonly referred to as Planning and Engineering, services provided encompass a host of activities above and beyond just Planning and Engineering. In all cases, the objective is to provide services to band members and to facilitate growth.
John ter Borg
Manager – TteS Planning and Engineering
(250) 319-1351
One of the first areas that band members may come into contact with could be referred to as regulations. Regulations include business licenses, building permits and by-law enforcement. Future plans that have been discussed for this group may include a second by-law enforcement officer. The objective of this potential change is to provide 14 hours of coverage during the regular business days.
In some cases, once a member has contacted our office for an item such as a building permit, the Public Works group becomes one of the next contacts. Public Works provides services including landscaping in the summer, snow removal in the winter and refuse pick up all year-round and supports development with items like fire hydrant installation and water connections. In addition to band member services, Public Works has expanded into supporting capital budget projects such as ground works for the car wash. Additional revenue is being generated in Public Works by supplying construction equipment for customers including New Gold.
Water Treatment is one of the departments that may not be at the forefront in everyone’s mind and this may be because this department provides a dependable high quality service without a lot of fanfare. It is predicted that the water plant will have to be expanded in the next one to two years in order to be able to provide water to major expansions like the potential water park.
Security and custodial are integral parts of this department. Both security and custodial are headquartered in the CLC building but provide services in many areas of the reserve. Operations in both areas will likely undergo significant changes as a result of the construction of the new professional building.
Numerous future capital projects are being detailed. Some of the large projects would include the waste water collection line, waste water treatment plant, and the north water reservoir along with the associated water distribution system. One of the newest completed projects is the Tk’emlúps Car Wash’ a full service car wash that employs TIB band members.
Business License Inspector/Plan Checker – Interim
Rochelle Leonard
(250) 314-1570