On the afternoon of Monday, August 26, I was able to chair a meeting with RCMP to address on going concerns that are taken place within TteS community. There was many topics of discussion during the meeting starting with updating the Letter of Expectation,(LOE) renegotiated Community Tripartite Agreement (CTA) then start attending the quarterly Community Consultative Group meeting as advisory board to hold up our CTA. We need to work on crime reduction and violence, Speed watch program, Community safety plan, Neighborhood watch program, Mental Health and addiction asking for Car 40 support needing to work on better communication strategy between TteS and RCMP.
I would like to thank Community Services department Staff (Priscilla Johnstone, Annie Leonard, and Geoff Morris), RCMP staff (Jeff Pelly, Mark Janus, Darwin Robbins and Steve Newport) along with Tk̓wenem7íple7 Nikki Fraser for attending the very important meeting.
Went we work to together we will get much better results for community safety this will be ongoing strategy to address community concerns.

Primary Portfolio:
Community Services, Le Estcwicwéy̓
Secondary Portfolio:
Education/Language & Culture/Sk’elep
Alternate Portfolio:
Natural Resources/ Rights & Title
This is the second time Dave has been blessed to service and support the people of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc as Tkwenem7iple (Band Councillor). The first time on Band Council was 2006- 2009. Husband to Joyce Susan Fraser and very proud father of 3 children, Sherman Manuel, Nikki Fraser and Satinka Manuel.