Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |



Under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (FMA), Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) passed the Property Taxation and Assessment Laws, “local revenue laws”, in order to establish the legal authority for TteS to collect real property tax and the administrative framework for the taxation system. To maintain the TteS taxation system, TteS passes Annual Tax Rates and Expenditure Laws to levy property taxes and to authorize the expenditure of tax revenues collected for the current tax year.

TteS established real property taxes first, and then built on that established framework with additional local revenue laws such as a Development Cost Charges Law, and a Property Transfer Tax Law. TteS continues to consider other additional local revenue laws or other tax jurisdictions not yet implemented.

Local revenue laws comply with all requirements set out in the FMA regulations, and in FNTC Standards.