Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Lands, Leasing & Tax

Lands, Leasing & Taxation

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When the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc established the Mount Paul Industrial Park in the early 1960’s, the land was conditionally surrendered under Section 37 of the Indian Act. Further, the Province had the right to collect taxes from third party interests.

In 1988, through Bill C-115, known as the “Kamloops Amendment”, Section 83 of the Indian Act was amended allowing First Nations to implement bylaws, assert jurisdiction, and levy taxes and other fees on designated lands (formerly conditionally surrendered).

In 1991, the band collected property taxes from leasehold interests for the first time.

In December, 2008, the Kamloops Indian Band Property Taxation Laws replaced Section 83 Bylaws, under Bill C-20, the First Nations Fiscal Management Act.  This new legislation provides a regulatory framework for First Nations property taxation beyond the provisions of the Indian Act.

Through tax dollars, on Kamloops Indian Reserve #1, the Band has built infrastructure such as the Water Treatment and the Waste Water Treatment Plants.

Like all local governments, taxes are needed to offset the cost of services for the benefit of the taxpayers.  Services are provided by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc in many areas and are contracted out to third party suppliers for others.

Contact Us

Lands, Leasing, & Tax Department
Chief Louis Centre (Red Brick Building)
234—345 Chief Alex Thomas Way
Kamloops, BC
V2H 1H1

Phone: 250-828-9784
Fax: 250-314-1539