Primary Portfolio: Education / Four Pillars
Secondary Portfolio: Natural Resources / Rights & Title / Language & Culture / Archaeology
Telephone: (250) 318-5974
Email: dave.manuel@ttes.ca
This will be second time that I have been blessed to service and support the people of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc as Tkwenem7iple (Band Councillor). The first time on Band Council was 2006- 2009.
Husband to Joyce Susan Fraser very proud father of 3 children (Sherman Manuel, Nikki Fraser and Satinka Manuel) also 3 wonderful grandchildren (Skyy, Trey and Aiyana).
Background of Education
Bachelor of Social Work at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) Merritt, BC (1989 -1993)
Background of Employment
- 28 years of servicing and supporting the people of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc in few different roles over the years of employment since 1993 as Social Work in Interior Region.
- Wellness Councilor for Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc for 7 years.
- Family Support Worker for Secwépemc Child & Family Services 4 years
- First Nations Education Worker in School District # 73 for 15 years
- Worked on many boards and committees throughout the years.
Education is the key to open the door of opportunity for empowerment for better life for our people of Secwépemc Nation, we are growing stronger and smarter each day as we are in healing process slowly learning our history, language, and culture.
I believe that the work we are doing as community is guided by our ancestors for the children who are yet to be born.