Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Education Department | Spring 2021 Newsletter

Posted on: April 21, 2021

Weyt-kp Tk̓emlúpsemc,

The Tk̓emlúps Education Department would like to share our Spring 2021 highlights with our TteS community. Inside you will see program updates, student achievements, and more.

Kukwstsetsemc for keeping up to date with our Department, we will ensure to have another Newsletter for you soon.

Photovoice for our Community Youth

Posted on: April 14, 2021

Photovoice projects are an interactive way for individuals to participate in a group where they can collectively participate in reflection learning, sharing, and awareness to other participants in the group and potentially a larger community.

This project will utilize digital media to allow participants to share valuable lived experience so they can explore their perspectives on their community, mental health, families, and the future. Through this photovoice project you will have the opportunity to encourage discussion, investigate experiences, bring awareness to social justice issues, collaborate for change and improvement, identify need, and potentially more.

Please contact David Croteau at 604 217 2073 if you have any questions.

Photovoice poster

Archaeological Field Assistant RISC Certificate

Posted on: April 13, 2021

UPDATE April 15, 2021: All spots have been filled.

If you are an Indigenous community member interested in working on cultural resource management projects within your traditional territory, this intensive program will teach you the technical skills while learning about cultural protocols and practicing respectful archaeology.

archaeological field assistant risc certificate

Me7 Texwtuxwtsínem-kt Secwépemc Language Proficiency Certificate

Posted on: April 12, 2021

Me7 Texwtuxwtsínem-kt Secwépemc Language Proficiency Certificate

Like other Indigenous languages in BC, the western dialect of the Secwépemc language is critically endangered, with fewer than 50 fluent first language speakers still among us, all of them elderly. The western dialect Secwépemc communities invite new learners to an adult immersion program called Me7 Texwtuxwtsínem-kt (we will learn to speak straight/accurately). It is offered through a partnership with Simon Fraser University and funding through the First Nations Education Steering Committee.

The Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) will host Me7 Texwtuxwtsínem-kt at the Language & Culture Department classroom in Kamloops, BC. This program is a 1,000 hour immersion program for adult second language learners of the Secwé pemc Language. The long-term objective is to create fluent speakers willing to teach and with the ability to pass the language on to future generations.

Secwépemc Language – Full Time Program Information 2021

Post-Secondary Funding

Posted on: April 12, 2021

A reminder to TteS Membership of the upcoming deadline of April 30th to apply for Post-Secondary Funding. Applications for Post-Secondary Funding can be obtained on the TteS Website: Post Secondary Application or via email.

Please contact Larissa Blank directly if you have any questions or require further information.

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Post Secondary Funding poster

Fire by Indian Point

Posted on: April 7, 2021

Fire by Indian Point

Tḱemlúps Chief and Council would like to inform membership that there is a fire by Indian Point (by the church).  There is limited access to Kamloopa and Chilcotin roads. Please do not block access to this area as emergency vehicles need to be able to get through.

Chief and Council will keep you posted as updates become available.

Barrel Racing Event at Kamloops Race Central – Update from Chief and Council

Posted on: April 5, 2021

Joint Statement from Kukpi7 Rosanne, FNHA, and IH to the patrons of the Barrel Racing Event

“We thank the Easter Barrel Race for agreeing to cancel the event due to the safety concerns raised jointly by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, FNHA, and IH. We asked everyone to please disperse safely as they return home as soon as possible.”

READ FULL RELEASE: Update on Barrel Racing Event


We Need Your Opinion

Posted on: April 1, 2021

Chief and Council would like your opinion. Given the fact that we are still in a State of Emergency and in person Band Meetings are still restricted from having in person Band Meetings, there are two ways that this vote could happen – either by an online vote at an online Band Meeting, or by way of referendum.