Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Lexéy̓em: A Historic Day for Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc & Stsmémelt (Children)

Posted on: February 26, 2025


Tk̓emlúps Lexéy̓em post


In 1999 Secwepemc Leadership approved the creation of a legal entity that would be the venue for asserting our Secwepemc rights and jurisdiction over the care of our children and families. Secwepemc Child and Family Services was formed. Over the years and for many reasons, the entity became a delegated agency implementing BC law. Our goal is to implement Secwepemc Law.

In 2009 Secwepemc leadership unanimously supported a declaration to assert our jurisdiction for the benefit of our children and families.

In 2010-2013 – research and planning was conducted for the development and revitalization of our Secwepemc Law.

The Goal of TteS Chief and Council since 2009 was to assert full jurisdiction over children and family services based on our own Secwepemc Laws. On December 19, 2024, Kukpi7 and Tkwenem7iple’s made this goal a reality by signing a Band Council Resolution adopting the Stsmémelt and Kw’séltkten Law.

The law is based upon principles guided by Secwepemc stories and our oral traditions as told by our Elders. There are six Secwepemc Stories that define our Stsmémelt and Kw’séltkten Law that will be shared with community at a future presentation.

Total jurisdiction over the care of our children and families based on our own Secwepemc Laws is so exciting.

There is much to share about TteS adopting the Stsmémelt and Kw’séltkten Law and future Lexéy’em Articles will address “what does adopting the Stsmémelt and Kw’séltkten Law mean for TteS moving forward?”

Tk̓wenem7íple7 Vicki W. Manuel


Primary Portfolios:
Community Service and Membership

Secondary Portfolio:
Education and Four Pillars

Vicki W. Manuel, from Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is a mother of 3 adult daughters, grandmother to Aveah and living with her partner Peter in beautiful Tk̓emlúps. Previously Vicki managed Le Estcwicwéy̓ (the Missing – 215+) and was a project developer and planner for the First Nation Health Authority (FNHA). From 2003 to 2009, Vicki served two terms on Tk̓emlúps Chief and Council. Vicki also had her own consulting business and has supported Indigenous organizations in Planning and Project Management. Vicki earned a Master’s degree in Community Development from the University of Victoria and a Bachelor of General Studies in First Nation Administration and Leadership, with a minor in First Nations Studies, from Simon Fraser University. Passionate about culture, education, health and family. Vicki is excited and passionate about supporting her community through community led initiatives.

Lexéy’em: AgeCare Tour

Posted on: January 17, 2025


On January 15, 2025, Chief & Council toured the new AgeCare Sun Rivers facility. This visit allowed us to connect with the addition to the Sun River’s Community, offering insights into daily life for residents and staff. We were delighted to share a meal of salmon and break Bannock together allowing ample time to get to know our new neighbour in the community, Salimah Walji-Shivji, CEO of AgeCare. We have learned of many opportunities of mutual benefit.

The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, providing meaningful insight that highlighted the importance of Elder care. It’s reassuring to know that residents are being well cared for in a supportive environment that welcomes family, tours, and opportunities for cultural and educational experiences all while providing care and support for Elders to live their best lives. A highlight of this day was getting to connect with our Elder, Delores Jules.

Tk̓wenem7íple7 Vicki looks forward to sharing many upcoming opportunities and your TteS Chief and Council team look forward to building relationships with them to learn and utilize some best practices as we move forward to building our own Elder’s Lodge.

Chief and Council with Delores Jules

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.