Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc | (250) 828-9700 |

Pink Shirt Day & Denialism

Posted on: February 26, 2025


On behalf of Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) many of us are wearing pink to stand up for our commitment to choose kindness and remind everyone of our shared responsibility to treat one another with compassion, understanding, and respect.

We have all seen and experienced bullying in workplaces, on social media, and within communities. It truly has rippling effects that are hurtful and for those who are already marginalized. We need to be role models for future generations.

Denialism is a violent form of bullying that has risen since the announcement of unmarked graves, and I extend my heartfelt appreciation to allies that uphold the collective history and the impacts that Survivors have lived.

Denialists are those who willfully misrepresent well documented, historical facts to promote hate against Indigenous people and more specifically with the intention of targeting Survivors, families, and communities.

We all need to continue supporting change; we have seen real progress, so we must continue to call out all forms of bullying so that everyone feels united and respected. Building inclusive communities is the vision we should all want: a community supported by all of our neighbours, lifting each other up, and where everyone feels safe.

We recognize that bullying and division are sometimes fueled by those in power who seek to distract from the real issues impacting Survivors, communities, and the public.

Today on this Pink Shirt Day, let’s send a powerful message: bullying and denialism will not be tolerated. We stand for kindness, empathy, solidarity, and respect. From all of us at TteS, take action by wearing pink and giving kindness; it goes a long way and embraces real change.


Lexéy̓em: Celebrating the Launch of Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope

Posted on: February 18, 2025


Congratulations to Dr. Garry Gottfriedson and Professor Tory Handford, on the launch of their new book, Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope. We also extend a heartfelt kukwstsétsemc to the publishers, family, and faculty at Thompson Rivers University who played a role in bringing Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope to life. This book is more than a collection of words; it is a powerful testament to truth, resilience, and the ongoing work of decolonization and reconciliation.

At a time when these conversations are more important than ever, this work offers both insight and inspiration. It was an honour to celebrate this achievement at Thompson Rivers University alongside Tkwenem7íple7 Boyd Gottfriedson, Tkwenem7íple7 Daylin Malloy, and Tkwenem7íple7 Nikki Fraser, surrounded by those who believe in the strength of Indigenous voices and the necessity of these discussions.

This creation of this book took dedication and collaboration. Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope is a meaningful contribution to the path forward, a reminder that change happens when we come together with honesty, courage, and a shared vision for the future generations.

Lexéy̓em: Honouring Ed Jensen at TRU Mace Ceremony

Posted on: February 16, 2025


Weyt-kp xwexwéytep, on behalf of TteS, I was honored to witness, participate in, and celebrate the incredible work of artist Ed Jensen, Tk̓emlúps Traditions, as he presented a one-of-a-kind ceremonial Mace to Thompson Rivers University (TRU). This handcrafted piece will hold deep significance in TRU’s Convocation Ceremonies, serving as a lasting legacy that educates and supports the importance of reconciliation.

TRU honors its relationship with Tk̓emlúps and shares in the pride of our Band member, Ed Jensen, a local and world-renowned artist. The university hosted a Mace Ceremony on February 13, 2025, to recognize Ed’s contributions. His beautiful design, crafted from juniper and jade, is supported by a grandfather rock. The juniper pole features hand-carved Secwépemc pictographs representing our people, while the jade embodies Sk’elep, the storyteller in our culture. Every element of this piece was created using traditional Secwépemc carving techniques.

We hold our hands up to Ed for upholding and sharing our culture in such a good way. It was an honor to provide a welcome, share words about Ed, and sing the welcome song alongside our people. His family was there to support and share in this proud moment, and he is apprenticing two of them to help carry forward the work of Tk̓emlúps Traditions, ensuring that this important knowledge continues for generations to come.

Re xyemstéms te tnk’we7 re xyemstéms xwexwéyt te swet – the honour of one is the honour of all.

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy̓em: Indigenous Justice Centre Opening

Posted on: February 15, 2025


The BC First Nations Justice Council has been working hard to establish 6 new Indigenous Justice Centers (IJC) that have now recently opened across the province. Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc is pleased to be the home of a brand-new Indigenous Justice Centre, where our communities can seek legal aid alongside wrap around services in an environment that feel culturally safe. We extend our appreciation to the BC First Nations Justice Council and The Province for addressing and working towards better systems of justice for Indigenous peoples. The relief, safety, and support this centre brings will ripple through our community with positive effects.

The new locations of Indigenous Justice Centres are Kamloops, Williams Lake, Cranbrook, Port Hardy, Burns Lake, and New Hazelton. On February 6, 2025, we gathered at the Kamloops IJC alongside members of the BC First Nations Justice Council, IJC staff, and the Honourable Nikki Sharma, Attorney General, to tour the space and celebrate this accomplishment. We honoured our Secwépemc protocols as the Language & Culture department sang the welcome song and the honour song. We also began and ended with a beautiful prayer from our Elder, Freda Jules.

This new IJC is a product of our communities working together to create and ensure that the highest level of services are offered to our people. We acknowledge the gaps in our justice system, and we have trust that this IJC will address and support those seeking legal supports in an integral and dynamic way.

Contact an IJC:

  • Call (toll-free) 1-866-786-0081
  • Drop in Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Kamloops IJC: 440 Victoria St, Kamloops, BC
Williams Lake IJC: 59 1st Ave S, Williams Lake, BC
Cranbrook IJC: 44 -12th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC
Port Hardy IJC: 6990 Market St, Port Hardy, BC
Hazelton IJC: 4125 River Rd, Hazelton, BC
Burns Lake IJC: 310 Highway 16, Burns Lake, BC
Fort St John IJC: To be announced April 2025
Kelowna IJC: 275 Lawrence Ave., Kelowna, BC
Nanaimo IJC: 17 Church St., Nanaimo, BC
Surrey IJC: 13041 108 Ave., Surrey, BC
Vancouver IJC: 510 Beatty St., Vancouver, BC
Victoria IJC: 794 Yates St., Victoria, BC
Merritt IJC: 1999 Voght Street PO Box 2310 Merritt, BC
Prince George IJC: 511 George St Prince George, BC
Prince Rupert IJC: #200 – 515 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC
Chilliwack IJC: 46140 Yale Rd #201, Chilliwack, BC

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy̓em: Secwépemc Child and Family Services 6th Annual Winter Gathering Powwow

Posted on: February 12, 2025


SCFSA Powwow 2025

On February 1, 2025, Secwépemc Child and Family Services Agency (SCFSA) offered the 6th annual Winter Gathering Powwow. This was a special event for families and communities to connect, celebrate, and share in our traditions. It was great to see everyone enjoying the dancing, drumming, and time spent together. The turnout was excellent, and the energy was positive throughout the day. Events like this remind us of the importance of gathering; when we do so, we get to connect through our culture and traditions, and it truly is a beautiful thing. Thank you to SCFSA for their hard work and dedication for serving and supporting our families. We appreciate the work you are doing to ensure our relationships in the community are well tended to and full of love.

Thank you to everyone who participated, supported, and helped make this powwow a success. Your presence and good energy made it a meaningful gathering. We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy’em: Strategic Planning Session

Posted on: February 6, 2025


TteS Chief & Council held a strategic planning session that took place over two days led by Four Directions, Dan George. We were grateful to be joined by senior staff and managers; their input and perspectives supported teamwork and collaboration. Strategic Planning also served Council an opportunity for orientation into TteS’s organizational goals. We want a sturdy and promising foundation for the term ahead.

The two-day planning session included key areas with governance, pain points, a Comprehensive Community Plan update, and, of course, shared key organizational goals that will shape our strategic plan.

It was productive and appreciated to have departmental management, executive staff, key administrative staff, and leadership sharing perspectives that shed light on the commonalities we share in our hopes and goals for TteS while breaking down silos. A reminder that we all contribute to the success of community priorities that is for the long-term benefit of community and the people we all serve.

Internally, organizational priorities included: language and culture revitalization, land use, stewardship, title and rights, infrastructure, economic self-sovereignty, education, health, and wellness. We have also identified and highlighted a commonality around communication and ways to improve customer service and communicating effectively with all membership.

We believe in our people and the TteS organization team that will continue working to provide and enhance services and opportunities that benefit our community as we move forward. We look forward to sharing our overarching strategic plan with all of you in the late spring.

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy’em: Indigenous Blazers Night

Posted on: February 4, 2025


January 29, 2025 marks Indigenous Blazers night. This event brought our people together to enjoy the hockey game with everyone to cheer, laugh, and connect. Garrett G. Gottfriedson designed the jerseys that the Blazers wore. He is an incredibly talented artist that created the design which reflects Secwépemc culture and ways. Sc.wén̓wen Economic Development Corporation sponsored the jerseys which is the beginning of an exciting relationship between the Blazers and Sc.wén̓wen. The Blazers played the game in the jerseys and wore them with pride.

Sun Ridge Contracting and TteS sponsored the game in collaboration to highlight Indigenous Night. It was a pleasure to drop the puck and start the game off in a good way. We were joined by Council, TteS Members, Elders, and staff to cheer on the Blazers, and enjoy a night together.

Thank you to the Blazers, Sc.wén̓wen, Sun Ridge Contracting, and our dedicated community for making this night a memorable experience that we were all able to enjoy together and cheer for our favourite hockey team!

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy’em: AgeCare Tour

Posted on: January 17, 2025


On January 15, 2025, Chief & Council toured the new AgeCare Sun Rivers facility. This visit allowed us to connect with the addition to the Sun River’s Community, offering insights into daily life for residents and staff. We were delighted to share a meal of salmon and break Bannock together allowing ample time to get to know our new neighbour in the community, Salimah Walji-Shivji, CEO of AgeCare. We have learned of many opportunities of mutual benefit.

The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, providing meaningful insight that highlighted the importance of Elder care. It’s reassuring to know that residents are being well cared for in a supportive environment that welcomes family, tours, and opportunities for cultural and educational experiences all while providing care and support for Elders to live their best lives. A highlight of this day was getting to connect with our Elder, Delores Jules.

Tk̓wenem7íple7 Vicki looks forward to sharing many upcoming opportunities and your TteS Chief and Council team look forward to building relationships with them to learn and utilize some best practices as we move forward to building our own Elder’s Lodge.

Chief and Council with Delores Jules

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Lexéy’em: TteS & BCLC Meet & Greet

Posted on: January 13, 2025


TteS meets with BCLC

On January 10, 2025, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) leadership met with senior representatives of the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) in our Council Chambers. The purpose of this meeting was to facilitate introductions and provide orientation for the newly elected Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir and Tkwenem7íple7 (councillors). It also served as a platform to strengthen the relationship between TteS and BCLC by reviewing past progress and outlining future collaborative opportunities.

The meeting agenda included a short presentation by BCLC covering its role, key facts, social purpose, and commitment to Indigenous reconciliation. Special emphasis was placed on BCLC’s ongoing reconciliation efforts and the progress achieved through its partnership with TteS. Both parties engaged in a roundtable discussion, focusing on next steps and potential future meetings to further their partnership. This gathering marked an important step in fostering continued mutual respect and collaboration.

Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir


Primary Portfolio:
Public Relations & External Affairs/Legal (DS, DRI)

Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir, Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, is strong and confident leader who leads by example for future generations; she also serves as Tribal Chief for the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and as a Board Director for the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. With 14+ years of service, she is committed to advancing community-driven initiatives that support self-determination, sustainable growth, and economic sovereignty. Kukpi7 Rosanne holds her hands up and acknowledges past and current leadership.

Holiday Warm Wishes from Chief & Council

Posted on: December 18, 2024

Weyt-kp xwexwéytep (hello to everyone)

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc Chief and Council extend their warm wishes to each of you; Lé7es ke7 sw7ecs ne Xyum te Sitq̓t ell ts7écwes re tsítslem te swucwt (Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a joyous New Year).

During this special time, we encourage everyone to take care of one another. As we enter this holiday season, remember that each of us may be navigating something different. Let us check in on one another, share kindness, and make space for light and laughter. Le7es k sw7éc-emp ne sqilqélt te sw7ec (Be well on this holiday to you all).

We extend our spirit and kindness to you and your families this holiday season. As we reflect on 2024, we can all be proud of the accomplishments, celebrations, and connections we have built and created with one another. The road ahead looks promising, and we look forward to an even brighter 2025.

May we continue to walk this path forward together.
Qilqéltes k sw7éc-emp (Happy Holidays to you all).

Yours Truly,
Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc
Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir
On Behalf of Council